Forty-seven police officers from the Crime Gang Task Force, Licensing Enforcement Branch, STAR Group and Southern Operations Service searched the Old Noarlunga premises at about 9.30pm. two pistols seized by police during the raid of a southern suburbs bikie clubroom on Friday will be forensically tested by police.Police allege that as they approached the clubrooms two loaded semi-automatic pistols were thrown over a side fence. Police said there was evidence suggesting liquor was being sold without a licence. They seized about $3000 of liquor, $480 cash and three ecstasy tablets. It is understood the Rebels gang members were celebrating two members' birthdays.
The Spanish Untouchables
[image: Busto del Rey Juan Carlos I de EspaƱa en su vi...]
A new tell-all book that details what led to Spanish king Juan Carlos
giving up the throne wou...
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