Timothy Evans and Mike Daniels both guilty of murder and conspiracy to commit murder in the shooting of Adrian Patton.Evans testified he unloaded his clip into Patton, because he had to at the order of his Skyline Bloods boss, Daniels...known as Mike Mike.Daniels was angry at Patton for shooting up his sister's house.During the trial, testimony showed beat ins or worse happened for initiation into the Skyline Bloods. Evans says they had 35 members and met weekly where Mike Mike decided if punishment for any member was in order.Time after time psychologists say young men join gangs for love and acceptance.Evans told the jury he was upset Daniels told police he didn't know why Evans shot Patton. " I loved Michael, I was loyal to him. I would have did anything for him. Anybody can speak on that. He can speak on that. But when he sat there and told them folks he didn't know why I kilt him, it hurted me."We learned this afternoon the Hamilton County Jail has each man on separate floors for safety.They are scheduled for sentencing at the the end of July.
The Spanish Untouchables
[image: Busto del Rey Juan Carlos I de España en su vi...]
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