

Wednesday, 24 September 2008

Gang warfare in the streets of Copenhagen

Police were called out to yet another shooting in the streets of Copenhagen overnight after a moped pulled up outside a kiosque on Åboulevarden and opened fire with an automatic weapon. Police have no indications as to whom carried out the attack or why, despite the fact that patrol cars were quickly at the scene. Several young poeple were arrested in the vicinity - some of whom were wearing bullet-proof vests. None of them, however, seemed to have anything to do with the attack. Officers believe they have found the moped involved in the attack in a bush on Herman Triers Plads (Ed: Herman Trier's Square), a few metres from the scene.
The motive for the attack remains unclear. The 21-year-old Bulgarian shop assistant in the kiosque threw himself on the fllor when the attack began and has been unable to give any indication as to why anyone would want to attack him.
The shooting took place a few hours after several hundred people from the Nørrebro quarter walked through the area in a torch-lit demonstration against the mounting violence in their district.


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