

Thursday, 25 September 2008

Jayvion Galloway, 18, and Zecorey Marcus, 19,reputed Gardena gang members have been charged in the brutal robbery and murder

Jayvion Galloway, 18, and Zecorey Marcus, 19, both Gardena residents, are accused of killing Hae Sook roh, 51, who was shot to death May 12 as she worked behind the counter of her business, Julie's Fashion at 2300 W. Rosecrans Ave."She put up no defense or anything," Gardena police Lt. Uikilifi Niko said. "Talking to people in the community, she was very well liked. They could come into her shop and if they didn't have any money, she would say, 'Just bring it up when you can.'"
A surveillance camera captured the crime on tape. Investigators called it "ruthless" and unprovoked.Just before the gunman walked in, Roh was counting money and putting it away. The gunman shouted "Give me the money." When she backed away, he shot her.
As she screamed and collapsed, he shot her three more times.Investigators issued the video to the media, and the city offered a $10,000 reward.A tipster provided information that five days earlier, the same pair robbed Stue's Dairy, 13126 South Western Ave. in Gardena, Niko said.A tape of that crime allowed police to identify the suspects, Niko said.Marcus was arrested on a robbery charge on May 23. Galloway fled California, but was caught June 4 in La Canada, Minn. He was arrested on suspicion of robbery.On Sept. 8, Galloway and Marcus wwere charged


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