Crews tear down a house that police say was used by the West Drive Locos gang of Desert Hot Springs Friday after a massive multi-agency anti-gang injunctionThe home on Estrella Avenue at Palm Drive was turned to rubble within minutes as government officials and city residents cheered.“The symbol we're about to provide is, we're taking back this community, even if it involves tearing down the playground of the West Drive Locos,” Riverside County District Attorney Rod Pacheco said during a news conference just before the home was destroyed.Whether standing behind brick walls or sitting on nearby rooftops, residents watched as construction equipment tore into the home that was tagged with gang symbols and sat in a vacant lot littered with debris.“You couldn't drive by at night without seeing guys hanging out or making noise,” Desert Hot Springs resident George Hansen, 57, said after the news conference.
“I'm glad it's gone. It's one less place for gang members to congregate. They know (law enforcement officers) are coming after them.”
The Spanish Untouchables
[image: Busto del Rey Juan Carlos I de EspaƱa en su vi...]
A new tell-all book that details what led to Spanish king Juan Carlos
giving up the throne wou...
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