

Sunday, 15 May 2011

The Tillicum Park Gangsters are affiliated with the Black Gangster Disciples, and the Lakewood Police Department Gang Unit is familiar with their organization in the low-income neighborhood.

Alleged gang members attempted to increase their drug dealing activity by cornering Tillicum Park apartment complexes in Lakewood, Pierce County prosecutors said Thursday as they charged 11 people with multiple counts of unlawful delivery of a controlled substance.

The drug dealing charges, however, represent a piece of the organization's alleged criminal operations.

The Tillicum Park Gangsters are affiliated with the Black Gangster Disciples, and the Lakewood Police Department Gang Unit is familiar with their organization in the low-income neighborhood. Their cases include narcotics trafficking, weapons violations, witness intimidation, drive-by shootings and murder, according to a Pierce County affidavit.

Seven of the 11 were formally arraigned Thursday, charging documents state, and three remain at large. The court issued warrants for the arrest of the three, and one is being held in the Snohomish County Jail on other charges and is expected to be arraigned next week.

Bail was set at $250,000 for six of the seven defendants arraigned Thursday.

Lakewood detectives have strategically waited to strike. Lengthy examination into the Gangster Disciples, intelligence from informants and search warrants dating back to 2009 resulted in a blow to the criminal gang's membership.

"Our goal is not only to get these defendants off the street, but also to send a message that deters gang violence in our community," said Pierce County Prosecutor Mark Lindquist.

Court documents also state that in 2010 a series of controlled buy operations resulted in a search warrant being served at the Berkeley Apartments on Al Casino Love, a verified and convicted TPG member. A source who did not want to be named told Lakewood Patch that the model of the gangster on the street selling drugs has evolved into a more concealed approach, adding that the Union Crest apartments in Tillicum had been experiencing suspicious activity.

"TPG aren't living the thug life on the street, but they're still selling drugs," the source said. "For the most part, they are aging out."

Trial was set for July 6 for the suspects arraigned Thursday.


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